Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare – The battle against evil in the spiritual realms.  Ephesians 6:12 “ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” NIV

These last few weeks we have had tremendous interest in the school and blessed with opportunities to get the word out into the community.  However, there is obviously a reason we are battling day in and day out with difficulties both within the school and outside.  This is the spiritual warfare I am battling daily and without God, I would have succumbed a long time ago.  But the one thing I do know about all of this is that Satan has already lost the battle and I am on the side of victory with Jesus Christ as my savior.  Unfortunately, Satan still has power in this world so he will do all he can to drive us away from God and his plans.  Since I began studying Ephesians and am learning about how to arm myself for this battle, Satan has ramped up his attacks.  I liken it to a cornered animal that already knows he can’t escape his fate, so he will fight with every breath to try to do as much damage as possible.  This is how I feel today and how I have been feeling these last few weeks.

If you doubt spiritual warfare exists or are unsure, read the book of Ephesians.  There are no words I can give you to convince you, other than the words of God.  My only hope is that through my sharing you will discover the areas in your life where you are being attacked and the tools you need to protect yourself.

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